Tag Archives: writing

“What am I doing with my Life?”

The question that has plagued me lately. The question that plagues many. What am I even doing? What have I created? What have I spent my time on?

In essence one is attempting to reconcile with themselves that they have been doing more than sit there and watch videos of cats while working a 9 to 5 job. Or not working at all. Perhaps one might be in school, wondering if they’re doing it for themselves or somebody else.

What am I doing with my life?

As many of you who follow this blog may have noticed, I had disappeared. I had gotten disheartened and basically quit and fell off the face of the planet. Not a good idea, but it happens. The problem had to do with my meditation project.

Upon further reflection here is what went wrong:
1. Funding (Jewel cases and printed on CD’s run a bit of a sum…)
2. Time Limit Too Extreme
3. Unrealistic Expectations
4. Started for the wrong reasons. (Though it’s still a good idea and has many good reasons, the first one was wrong so therefore it made the project less valuable to me.)
5. “Lol how does one even market?”

I had an anxiety attack because I was failing and am guilty of epitomizing the Anxiety
/Avoidance Paradigm. However, I kept a good chunk of my notes and other things I was working on because of three key reasons. They show me I tried something. They allow me to reflect and learn. They can be used later.

As you see, I’ve come back. Am I going to try exactly what I did before? No. Because I recognize that at least at this time it is not a good thing for me to do.

I’m moving to another state, out of my parents house, away from a lot of the people I care about, away from all the drama and anxiety I could do without. It’s made me think a lot and that big question came up of what am I going to do there? I literally have free reign to do whatever I want. (Within the constrains of money, anyways.) These opportunities rarely happen.

On that note, I have a couple ideas of things I could potentially start work on, at a slow and comfortable rate, and maybe choose to focus on one later on.
1. Creating a workable concept for a kitten purrs energy harnesser. (And similar unique energy sources.)
2. Stop worrying about the controversy of my “face reading” and actually write a book or start a website about it that’s based in at least some psychology. (Maybe I should call it the sherlock effect.)
3. Write a fiction book. Just finish one. (Already have like a million ideas…)
4. Create a poetry collection to sell on Amazon. (With or without some of the poetry from my deviantart.)
5. Work on things relating to elance. (The freelancing site.)

I hope you all have a super grand day today and remember that even if you fail at something, it doesn’t mean you’ll fail at everything. Find your niche.
-Alexandria Hathaway

Everyone Needs More Discipline

Yesterday I watched a video sent to me by Brendon. It was from Mel Abraham, and it was about what he called “The 4D’s.”

One of these D’s was discipline. Discipline is something so often missing from our lives, and the lives of the people we know. Discipline is the difference of the project being started and the project being completed. It is the difference between motivation and determination.

Discipline is the reason why the people with entitlement issues truly fail. It’s not so much that they expect a great paying job. It’s that they expect a great paying job right out of college without doing any work for it. Without spending time working towards that goal.

Here are three ways to work on your discipline. First, make a schedule or checklist for what you need to complete today. Only include what you are absolutely committed to finishing. Secondly, reward your accomplishments. If you do finish something and then just move on to the next thing, you’re less likely to finish it because it seems less important. Thirdly, focus on starting a project on time, rather than finishing it. For some of you, this seems counterintuitive, but if you’re able to start things on time, you’re able to make progress in it. It will also help you learn time management by showing you how much time something really needs.

On to the productivity questions!

1. What are you excited about today?
Trying the whole “just work on starting the task” thing. It’s a constant problem of mine, and this concept is actually a little new to me but I’m going to give it a go. New things are exciting.

2. What are you grateful for today?
I am grateful for sites like elance and mturk. They help out so much on both sides of work, both doing and delegating.

3. What are you absolutely going to do today?
I am going to organize my bedroom, finish a book I’m reviewing, and finish filling out my indiegogo profile.

My little list:
1. Read at least 3 more chapters of the review book.
2. Create a Poetic Meditation Transcript
3. Start organizing the room.
4. Finish a weekly goal’s task.
5. Research CD production places to call for a quote.

Have a happy PI day!
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/AlexandriaMazareth
Twitter: http://twitter.com/AlexandriaMWolf
Personal Blog: http://ajourneyforalexandria.blogspot.com/
Work-Out Blog: http://alexisworkingitout.blogspot.com/
New Meditation Blog: http://TheRhythmicStory.Wordpress.Com

A Late Wakeup, A Relaxing Morning

Most people, when they wake up late, get very stressed. Normally because they have somewhere to be or have to do something by a certain deadline.

But have you ever woken up late when you haven’t had to be anywhere or so anything?

The difference is huge. Some people still freak out, but they should really take the opportunity to relax in that kind of situation. Your body has gotten more of the sleep it requires. You don’t need to rush. The sun is shining in through the window…

It’s a wonderful opportunity to let yourself relax. Take that time, that moment, to think about all the wonderful things in your life. Let yourself be grateful for the rest you’ve received.

Then allow yourself a great morning.

Questions time 🙂

1. What are you excited about today?
I’m super excited about brainstorming ideas for my Poetic Meditations. I have a renewed enjoyment for the work that I am doing.

2. What are you grateful for today?
I’m actually really grateful for the opportunity to experience the morning as I have today. It’s just been really amazing.

3. What are you absolutely going to do today?
Today I am going to brainstorm ideas for my meditations, start reading a book I’ll be giving somebody feedback on, and I will work more on the weekly goals.

With that comes my little list:
1. Interact on Facebook as the professional page.
2. Start the book
3. Work on the weekly goal
4. Brainstorm Poetic Meditation Ideas
5. Connect Personal Sites with Google+

Have a Great Day!
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/AlexandriaMazareth
Twitter: http://twitter.com/AlexandriaMWolf
Personal Blog: http://ajourneyforalexandria.blogspot.com/
Work-Out Blog: http://alexisworkingitout.blogspot.com/
New Meditation Blog: http://TheRhythmicStory.Wordpress.Com

Combating the Bitterness

I’m really glad I started doing this. This being the blog, the business, the product launch… The whole entirety of my recent projects, basically.

I had a terrible wake-up again. I got out to the kitchen and just wanted silence. It did not happen. I found myself thinking about bitter things. A past person was in my dream and I thought with bitterness on the lack of communication. I thought on the dishes and how I’ve been doing them about half an hour every morning and how honestly there shouldn’t be a pile to even do in the morning. And then more bitterness came out.

This is when a few unique thoughts came into my mind. “I have no idea what to write for this, I just shouldn’t write anything.” And then “but what will that do for your day, you can just write about how terrible your morning is.” And lastly, and most amazingly “but that wouldn’t be fair to your readers. Your job is to provide uplifting and motivational content. Stuff they can learn and grow from. Things that make them think.”

And with that it was a little easier to deal with my morning.

The law of attraction. What you think will come to you. Sure, a little effort is required to bring it, but not as much effort as it would had you not thought about it. Which is why I’m glad I started doing this. Not only has this potentially helped others, but it is most definitely helping me.

Remember to stay positive. Even when the world just makes you want to collapse back in bed.

On to zee questions!

1. What am I excited about today?
I’m hanging out with peoples today.

2. What am I grateful for today?
Breathing exercises. Breathing to calm oneself down.

3. What am I absolutely going to do today?
Write out a one week full out plan for what I need to accomplish, finish the upload of a video, and work on some beats.

And my little list:
1. Interact on facebook as professional page
2. Send response and review to guy on book
3. Brainstorm list of websites to connect with google+
4. Backlog
5. Write out a one week plan

Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/AlexandriaMazareth
Twitter: http://twitter.com/AlexandriaMWolf
Personal Blog: http://ajourneyforalexandria.blogspot.com/
Work-Out Blog: http://alexisworkingitout.blogspot.com/
New Meditation Blog: http://TheRhythmicStory.Wordpress.Com

Should I get IOS 7?

Good morning!

So the WordPress app here apparently has updates that are only available for IOS 7. A few other apps have the same problem. The app I have right now is working perfectly fine and I love IOS 6 but I’m wondering how soon it is before I have to just deal with the update.

Do you think they’ll plan on creating IOS 8 anytime soon?

So aside from that little question, I have an update on how I did yesterday. Was I on time? Yup. I made very good time yesterday. There were only a couple times I got behind, which I’m rather proud of. I finished the meditation research, even finishing the detailed outline for my pdf guide. Also, I did complete the recording of my late piece for my weekly goals.

On the negative side, I did not finish the writing prompt, but that had to do with my own insecurities. You see, I look at poems as a cop out for the prompts. This is a terrible way of thinking. Poetry is beautiful and I need to allow myself to utilize the skill I have at putting together words into such an eloquent fashion.

Oftentimes we underestimate the quality of what we do and that hurts us in the long run. We need to look at our skills and realize how great they are.

1. What am I excited for today?
I’m pretty excited for putting up some things on craigslist. I have a couple things I can sell and I can use the money to push my business forward.

2. What am I grateful for?
I’m pretty grateful for the concept of patience. I know I need to work on mine a bit, but I’m getting better. The better you get at patience, the less likely you are to be annoyed very fast.

3. What am I absolutely going to complete today?
This is a pretty hefty goal, but I’m going to record another late video and edit and post the other one. The reason it’s such a heft goal is because the editing is a lot of work for me. It shouldn’t be, but it is. Mostly because the files take so long to upload to the program. But I’m going to do it.

Here is today’s little list:
1. Work on Positivity Cards
2. Add Info to Business Cards
3. Edit Video 7
4. Interact on Facebook as the Professional Page
5. Work on Script 9

Have a Productive Day!
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/AlexandriaMazareth
Twitter: http://twitter.com/AlexandriaMWolf
Personal Blog: http://ajourneyforalexandria.blogspot.com/
Work-Out Blog: http://alexisworkingitout.blogspot.com/

The Last Day

Good Morning by amazingly wonderlific readers! Why am I so excited today? Why it’s the last day of course! The last day to finish all my February Goals! Here, Have a rundown of my progress:

  • Finish the Videos that are Over-Due for my Youtube (2 out of 4 edited and uploaded!)
  • Continue doing the Weekly Goals (Making Progress!)
  • Continue the 30-Day Challenge (Been doing every day!)
  • Come up With my Absolute PUSH Goal (Just need to write it down!)
  • Create Five Product Outlines (One down, four to go!)
  • Choose my First Product (Picked!!)

I have been doing so great so far! I know based on tomorrow’s events that I most likely will be unable to finish everything, but I’ll get most of it done, and for starting these goals about a week ago? I’d say I’m doing well!

1. What am I excited about today?
I am super mega ultra excited for finishing most of the things on that list! I’m also excited to see my friend today.

2. What am I grateful for?
Drafts. Autosaving drafts. I was able to start part of some other posts and such last night and since I’m so busy today it was just so awesome to know I could do a little work and not have it go to waste.

3. What am I absolutely going to do today?
Firstly, the thirty day challenge. Secondly, I’m going to get done the scripts for the next two videos. Thirdly, I’ll finish the product outlines. Honestly, if I complete all of this I will be more than content. And of course tomorrow you get to see the March Monthly Goals!

So my little task list includes:
1. Running errands with my parents
2. Product Steps Outlining
3. Facebook Page Post Backlog
4. FLYing/Weekly Goal
5. Write Down Absolute Push Goal

Have a Productive Day!

Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/AlexandriaMazareth
Twitter: http://twitter.com/AlexandriaMWolf
Personal Blog: http://ajourneyforalexandria.blogspot.com/
Work-Out Blog: http://alexisworkingitout.blogspot.com/

6 More Days Including Today

Of February. Of time to complete my February Goals… All of which I made yesterday, of course.

You see, I turned 20 years old on the 17th and was distraught that in my eyes I had accomplished nothing. It was then that I realized I hadn’t accomplished nothing, I had just been in the observation stage of my life. I had been observing and analyzing and researching. What did I do at 19?

I began looking into my idea of being a business person through a finer scope.

I selected mentors. (Chalene Johnson, Brendon Burchard, and Alex Sheen.)

I started my 52 resolutions that I’ve been mostly finishing each week.

I began my youtube videos.

So, honestly, I do have stuff to show for being 19. Always, Always, Always look at what you’ve done and don’t take it for granted. Look at what you’ve accomplished! Have you finished a class? Have you aced your finals? Have you even STARTED a project? Have you EVEN started a LIST of projects you could be doing? That is still an accomplishment.

Just remember to take that next step forward.

1. What am I excited for Today?
Recording some of my videos, actually. It’s about time I put more stuff up!

2. What am I grateful for?
My friend who gave me tennis shoes before she left for another state. Mine were falling apart and these ones are great! I feel so much more productive wearing tennis shoes (A Flylady Secret,) and it makes jogging much easier.

3. What am I absolutely going to do today?
So Brendon suggest three to five things to do, but I’ve been failing at that and I now realize why… they’re too big! I need to break them down. If I said, upload a video to youtube… That’s three things right there! I need to practice my script, record the video, and edit it as well! And then hook up the computer to Ethernet so I don’t slow everyone in my family down and THEN, do the actual uploading.
Which, by the way, is today’s thing. That and my usual daily things such as the thirty day challenge and my twitter writing post. I’ve already done my exercise! Whoopee!

With that, My List of Five for this Morning:
1. 30 Day Challenge! Right smack at the top! (And the best part is, I’ll be watching the video while eating breakfast!)
2. Respond to Emails
3. Twitter Writing Prompt
4. Laundries and Folding
5. Weekly Goal

Have a spectacular morning!

Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/AlexandriaMazareth
Twitter: http://twitter.com/AlexandriaMWolf
Personal Blog: http://ajourneyforalexandria.blogspot.com/
Work-Out Blog: http://alexisworkingitout.blogspot.com/